Community in Nature

There are clear inequities in terms of who is able to access green space in Los Angeles.

On average, residents in LA County only have 3.3 acres of green space per 1,000 residents with 52.6 percent of the population living in high or very-high park needs communities.

If you’d like more information, join our Sustainable SGV Coalition!

What We Do

We work to ensure API communities have access to green space, safe and healthy environments, and opportunities to engage with nature.

APIFM is part of the Nature for All Coalition (N4A) which works to protect public lands, create more natural spaces in underserved communities, and connect people to nature and the Park Equity Alliance (PEA) which works to increase equitable access to parks and green spaces in LA.

We Need Your Support for the San Gabriel Mountains Forever (SGMF) Campaign!

The San Gabriel Mountains provide 70% of Los Angeles County’s open space, and the need has never been greater for improved visitor services, access to nature for our diverse urban population, and expanded natural resource protection.

Please sign the petition to urge President Biden to expand the San Gabriel Mountains National Monument to ensure our threatened natural resources remain protected, vibrant and accessible to all, now and for future generations. We also encourage you to share with your friends, family, business or organizations who value public lands, public health, equity and climate resilience.

Click on the button below to access the online petition!


Want to explore local trails? Want to do this while meeting new people and having FUN? APIFM leads hikes all over Los Angeles to bring people outdoors and reconnect with nature. Hikers of all levels are welcome.

Be sure to join our HikeAPI LA facebook group and follow up on social media @forwardapi to receive the latest updates and hike announcements!

Nature Testimonials

Over 15 million people live within 90 minutes of the San Gabriel Mountains (SGM). Additionally, 3.5 to 4 million people visit the SGM National Monument each year! Every experience in the SGM is different, so take a peek at the memories that people have created there.

If you’d like to share a testimonial about your experience in the San Gabriel Mountains, please submit one here:


Help APIFM continue to fight for nature and park equity