Our partner farmer, Ken Lee at his organic farm in Reedly, CA, where he grows citrus, stone fruit, asian pears, grapes, and persimmons
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Our Mission
We cultivate healthy, long-lasting, and vibrant Asian and Pacific Islander communities through community-centered engagement, education, and advocacy.
3 days ago
🚉 EJSI's second land module took our cohort from the streets to the mountains via the METRO public transit and a shuttle service as part of a pilot of Nature for All's Transit to Trails program. 🏙️ Our students learned how the built environment affects one's accessibility to nature. They also learned how to take the METRO train and how increasing public transit routes helps increase equitable access to nature as well as combat global warming that causes climate change. 🌄 We live in the San Gabriel Valley with the beautiful San Gabriel Mountains National Monument in our backyard, but how many of us have actually visited? There are still a lot of communities who don't have access to them, whether due to a lack of transportation or barriers related to language and information. Hence, Transit to Trails' goal is to make nature accessible for all. ⛰️ If you are interested in joining a future Transit to Trails program pilot, send us a DM so we caNature For AllhSierra ClubaSierra Club Angeles ChaptereMetro Los AngelesC#Transit2Trailss#transit2trailsseasoni#gometros#publictransitn#2024ejsi #ejsii#environmentaljusticeJ#environmentalhealtht#summer2024n#equitye#protectourenvironmentt#earthlspreciousi#SanGabrielValleyr#sangabrielmountainsl#sgv##youthr#summerprogramS#SanGabrielMountainsForevera#RecreateResponsiblye#leavenotraceResponsibly #LeaveNoTrace
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