As APIFM’s program manager, Linda values the power of helping people grow. She is most known for being community-oriented and motivated to help others who benefit from APIFM services. Previously, she was APIFM’s Community Engagement Coordinator. Linda is most proud of her contributions to the elder community of Chinatown. She hosted a wide range of community activities like Tai Chi, nutrition education, and produce distributions. Linda loves working with promotoras and community champions because they facilitate cultural bridges and collect meaningful feedback from the communities served.
Linda takes pride in her cultural roots. Born and raised in the SGV, Linda grew up with ethnically Chinese, Southeast Asian parents. Immigration stories like her parents’ inspire Linda to continue supporting diverse communities. That is why Linda recently completed her Master in Management in Library and Information Sciences (MMLIS) and is part of USC’s MMLIS graduating class of 2023. She dreams of becoming a library professional supporting equitable resource distribution to local communities.