Advisory Board

Jocelyn Estiandan, MPH
Jocelyn serves a Health Program Manager of the Integration Unit within the Office of Planning, Integration, and Engagement at the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health (DPH). The Integration Unit directs and facilitates the integration and coordination of cross-programmatic efforts to achieve strategic and mission-aligned goals across DPH. Her prior experience at DPH includes serving as a Senior Public Health Analyst within the Community and Field Services Division, San Gabriel Valley (Service Planning Area 3) where she was responsible for managing a team that collaborates with community stakeholders and DPH staff to implement programs and community outreach campaigns and uses data to develop public health policies and health equity initiatives. She also worked as a Health Program Analyst in the Division of Chronic Disease and Injury Prevention within the PLACE Program (Policies for Livable, Active Communities and Environments), promoting healthy, safe and active built environments. Jocelyn received her Master's degree in Public Health with a concentration in Community Health Sciences from UCLA and completed Master’s course work in Asian American Studies.